Григорьева Марина Юрьевна – Учитель английского языка МБНОУ «Лицей №11» г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область
Дата поступления работы: 09.02.2018г.


К учебнику English 6 класс

С.Г. Тер-Минасова, Л.М. Узунова, О.Г. Кутьина, Ю.С. Ясинская

I. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Trade     powerful     patient      souvenir       hard-working      landscape     promise       connected     hospitable     generous

1) Baba Yaga was ………………………… to Russian folk heroes: she washed them in the bathhouse, gave them tasty things to eat and helped them to find the way out.

2) What may help stimulate international ……..?

3) I prefer to to live in the country because there is a peaceful ……………………… there.

4) The history of the monastery is closely ………………………… with the Romanov family.

5) ……………………….. that you will not miss lessons.

6) Matryoshka is a popular traditional Russian ………………………….. .

7) The Ipatyev manastery became ………………….. and rich in the 16th century.

8) Russian folk heroes were usually ……………………… to people who needed their help.

9) The teacher was ……………………. with students.

10) You know, people here are energetic and ………………………… . They also have lots of crafts.

II. Finish the sentences using clauses of purpose.

1) Stoves were so important for Russian houses to ………………………………………………………… .

2) In ancient Rus people often used an axe than a saw to ……………………………………………. .

3) The windows were open to

………………………………………………………… .

4) Hank Morgan wanted matches to

……………………………………………. .

5) Ivan the Prince travelled to far countries to ……………………………………………………………….. .

III. Match the proverbs.

1. God helps thosea. than riches.
2. A cat in glovesb. morning is worth two in the evening.
3. A good name is betterc. must climb the tree.
4. An hour in thed. who help themselves.
5. He that would eat the fruite. catches no mice.

IV. Choose the correct words.

as        so        since          because

1) Ivan quickly built the flying ship …………… he followed the advice of the old man.

2) The Snow Maiden was afraid of jumping over the fire ……………… she was made of snow.

3) Mary had a headache, ………………… she went to see the doctor.

4) ………………… Rus was rich in forests, people made their houses of wood.

5) The frog gave Prince Ivan his arrow, …………… he kept his promise and married it.

V. Give the name for the followimg things.

1. Ceramics, wonderful white and blue plates and cups, nice and funny figures.

2. Many dolls inside, bright, wooden, flower or fruit design, traditional, popular, Russian.

3. They are given as presents at Easter. They are decorated with an ornament and they are made of expensive materials.

4. Hand-made boots, popular, woolen, warm, good for frosty weather.

5. It is Russian wood painting craft. These things are red, black and gold with fantastic flowers.

VI. Read the text and answer the questions.

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber

A bylina is a traditional heroic poem of Kievan Rus. The word “bylina” comes from the Russian word “byl” and means something that really happened. In ancient times bylinas were sung to the gusli by folksingers. About one hundred bylinas were written down by the collectors of Russian folklore in the 19th century. The most famous bylinas are about Russian bogatyrs – Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Buslaev, Sadko, Svatogor.

Ilya Muromets, the son of a peasant, was born in the village of Karacharovo, near Murom. He was very sick in his young years, so he couldn’t walk. At the age of 33 a wonder happened and Ilya felt very strong and brave. He left for Kiev to defend Rus from evil.

His way to Kiev passed through the forests of Bryansk. A monster lived there, half a man half a bird, called Nightingale the Robber. The monster could fly and lived in a big nest situated on twelve trees. He had a family lake all people, and he could kill strangers with his powerful whistle. The trees lost their leaves and the people fell dead when the monster whistled.

Nightingale the Robber tried hard to kill Ilya Muromets but nothing happened to the bogatyr. Ilya Muromets came to the monster and shot an arrow at his right eye. When the monster fell down from the tree, Ilya Muromets put him into his sack and took to the glorious city of Kiev.

When Ilya Muromets arrived in Kiev, he rode to the prince’s palace and entered the house made of white stone. The Prince asked him, “Tell me, good boy, how men call you, and what city you are from.” Ilya Muromets answered , “My lord, men call me Little Ilya, but by my father’s name I am Ivanov, from the city of Murom, the village Karacharovo”. “And by which road did you ride from Murom?” “By that of Chernigof. Under the walls of Chernigof I fought against the enemies and defended the city. Then on my way here I fought against another enemy, Nightingale the Robber, and have brought him here to show you.” The Prince didn’t believe him. “What a lie you are telling me! ” When the heroes Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich heard his words, they went to the forest and saw that the road was free.

The Prince wanted to listen to the whistle of Nightingale the Robber. Ilya Muromets took the monster out of his sack and he whistled. Many houses in Kiev were destroyed and many people fell dead. After this Ilya Muromets took Nightingale the Robber to an open field and cut off his head.

1) Why didn’t Ilya Muromets fight when he was young?

2) Why were people afraid of Nightingale the Robber?

3) Did Ilya Muromets catch the monster?

4) Why were many houses destroyed and people killed in Kiev?

5) What happened to the monster?

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