Изотова Ольга Борисовна – Учитель английского языка МБНОУ «Лицей №11» г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область
Дата поступления работы: 25.10.2019г.

Урок по английскому языку для учащихся 5 классов

Тема: «Halloween»

Цель: ознакомление учащихся с обычаями и традициями этого дня в англоязычных странах.


1. воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка, а через это и к своей родной национальной культуре;

2. практическая: провести практику речевой деятельности и аудирования, активизировать лексику на тему: «Halloween»;

3. развивающая: развитие творческой фантазии и инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, а также развитие познавательных интересов учащихся.

Оборудование: карточки с новыми лексическими единицами и текстом по данной теме.

Ход урока:

1. Начало урока.

Teacher: Hello class! I’m glad to see you. Please take your seats. Let’s start our lesson.

2. Основная часть.

Teacher: Autumn is not only harvest time but it is time for many holidays. Today we will speak about one famous and curious holiday in English – speaking countries – Halloween. It is celebrated on the 31th of October. You will learn some interesting facts and have a lot of fun. And now we will a riddle.

A face so round and eyes so bright.

A scary mouth with a jolly grin.

No arms, no legs – just head to chin!

(Jack – o’ – lantern)

Teacher: Did you guess? That’s right. It is a pumpkin. What is its name? (You may use the pictures with notes from a blackboard.)

Pupils: It is Jack – o’ – lantern.

Teacher: Good. But there are some other symbols for the holiday. This special Halloween tree will help you. Use the words from the blackboard. Please look over these objects and call out the Halloween’s symbols. (На доске нарисовано дерево и на ветках «висят» символы Хэллоуина).

Pupils: a witch is a symbol of Halloween. A black cat is a symbol of Halloween. Skeletons are symbols of Halloween. Ghosts and goblins are symbols of Halloween. A bat and a spider.

Teacher: Right you are. There are a lot of funny poems and curious omens about these symbols. And some of them will be recited by your classmates.

Pupils: A funny pumpkin

I made a funny pumpkin

For everyone to see.

It looked so big and terrible

It even frightened me!

It is Halloween night

Put on your costume

Tie your masks on tight

Grab your bags for trick or treating

Cause it is Halloween night.


Red goblins, yellow goblins,

Blue and green,

These are the funniest

I have ever seen.

If a cat sat next to you on Halloween – you would have a good luck.

If a black cat sat on your lap – you would have fantastic luck!

Teacher: Well done. Now answer my question: What do people do on this holiday?

Pupils: they make Jack – o’ – lanterns. They put on costumes of different monsters and go from door to door asking for sweets.

Teacher: Right you are. Now take these cards and learn more about activities on Halloween.

Traditions and customs of Halloween.

In the USA and Canada, people often go to parties on Halloween. Children may dress up in costumes and go trick – or – treating. They ring doorbells and say: «Trick and treat» asking for candies, apples or coins. If they do not receive a treat, they may play a trick: smear windows and parked cars with shaving cream or soap; hit a front door with socks filled with flour.

In Scotland, a country steeped in Halloween traditions, there is the custom of burning a model of witch on a bonfire at Halloween time. All over the country people used to light bonfires to keep evil spirit’s away.

In Britain, torches and torch – light processions have always been associated with Halloween. British farmers used to carry torches around their property and recite spells to protect it through the grim winter month. But everywhere custom symbol of Halloween is the grinning Jack – o’ – lantern, carved from a big harvest pumpkin.


Trick or treat! – Шутка или угощение!

Smear – пачкать

Burning – сжигание

Bonfire – костёр

Evil – зло

Property – собственность

Spells – заклинания

Grim – мрачный

Grinning – ухмыляющийся

Torch – факел

Recite – читать

Teacher: And now let’s work with a scary crossword.

Pupils: with great pleasure.


Teacher: Well thank you to all the participants for taking part in this lesson. You were very nice, clever and cheerful. Of course, you will get excellent marks. Our lesson is over. Good – bye!

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